Science can be confusing and overwhelming. It can easily come across as convoluted and difficult to grasp. What If? Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions, Randall Munroe tackles the most absurd questions, but people would still want an answer to. However, as absurd these inquiries might sound, they do have actual scientific basis, which is the whole point of this non-fiction piece. He takes the time to break down the whole explanations behind every scenarios, no matter how unlikely said situation would be.This book consists of individual questions with a detailed, well-informed answer. Whether it may be biology, physics, engineering, the absurdity soon leaves place to an actual scientific rundown, giving the reader a true insight in a wide range of different topics. The goal is, with humour and wit, and the help of illustrations, to make science on all levels more accessible and potentially sparking a deeper interest in the future.